Saturday, June 14, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Reducing Your Operating Expenses
There are two ways that a company can improve its cash flow. The first option for the company could be to decide to charge higher prices in an effort to increase revenue. The other option is to cut back on expenses to reduce overhead. Let’s take a look at what a company can do to decrease overhead to save money and become a more profitable organization.
Why Reduce Overhead?
It is a lot easier to reduce expenses than it is to increase revenue. Regardless of your company’s situation, customers are not going to spend any more than a product is worth to them. In addition to potentially alienating customers, you have to watch out for competitors who will offer the same product for a lower price.
How to Reduce Overhead
Reducing overhead can be done in a strategic way that reduces costs while still giving the customer a quality product and good customer service. Most companies will attempt to outsource certain tasks, implement new technology that increase productivity for a lower price or will reduce the number of workers it has or cut back on how much they pay those workers if they do keep them.
The Goal Is to Improve Productivity
The best way for a company to spend less money is to get the most amount of work done in the least amount of time. Even if a company pays a worker the same amount of money for working six hours as that worker will get paid for eight hours of work, shutting a factory down two hours ahead of schedule allows the company to save money on electricity, heating and other costs associated with running a facility. Therefore, the company will still be able to reduce its overhead even if it doesn’t save money on payroll costs if it hires salaried workers.
Using a company such as Innovia CMC to help reduce expenses for your company could be a great idea. Having a knowledgeable partner that can share tasks or help spread the cost of doing business among several entities can reduce costs and help any small or medium sized company become more profitable in the short-term and in the long-term.
It is a lot easier to reduce expenses than it is to increase revenue. Regardless of your company’s situation, customers are not going to spend any more than a product is worth to them. In addition to potentially alienating customers, you have to watch out for competitors who will offer the same product for a lower price.
How to Reduce Overhead
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Lending Club makes it possible for investors to earn a higher return and for borrowers to get a lower rate on personal loans. Since 2007, investors have earned an average net annualized return of over 9.5%, and borrowers have reported great savings.
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The Goal Is to Improve Productivity
The best way for a company to spend less money is to get the most amount of work done in the least amount of time. Even if a company pays a worker the same amount of money for working six hours as that worker will get paid for eight hours of work, shutting a factory down two hours ahead of schedule allows the company to save money on electricity, heating and other costs associated with running a facility. Therefore, the company will still be able to reduce its overhead even if it doesn’t save money on payroll costs if it hires salaried workers.
Using a company such as Innovia CMC to help reduce expenses for your company could be a great idea. Having a knowledgeable partner that can share tasks or help spread the cost of doing business among several entities can reduce costs and help any small or medium sized company become more profitable in the short-term and in the long-term.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Many of us recognize the benefits of our children learning to play the piano
It is fairly common knowledge that children who receive musical instruction frequently see 30 to 40 percent increases in their math and spatial skills. In fact, according to National Center for Education Statistics, music students are awarded more academic honors than their non-musical counterparts. Unfortunately, tight budgets have caused many school districts to severely limit access to musical instruction. In some cases musical studies have been eliminated entirely. If you are like many people, you may find that the logistics of providing musical instruction for your children outside of the public school system is next to impossible because of the busy lifestyles that most of us have today. Fortunately there is a solution, the Piano Wizard Academy!
The Piano Wizard Academy is an at home study system that actually works! There is a ton of information on the official website, that is available for you to research. Basically, the Piano Wizard Academy is an app that works on your mobile device you that you have the ability to take it anywhere with you. This enables you to provide music instruction to your children at a time convenient for you. It has been shown that children that use this app to learn to play the piano, learn to play as much as five times faster than children that receive traditional instruction.
The key to the success of Piano Wizard Academy is simply that it makes it fun for children to learn to play the piano. They learn both to play music and to read music. Parents love it not only because their children do and are motivated to learn, but because they save thousands over the cost of traditional instruction. Visit their website today to learn more about the Piano Wizard Academy!
The Piano Wizard Academy is an at home study system that actually works! There is a ton of information on the official website, that is available for you to research. Basically, the Piano Wizard Academy is an app that works on your mobile device you that you have the ability to take it anywhere with you. This enables you to provide music instruction to your children at a time convenient for you. It has been shown that children that use this app to learn to play the piano, learn to play as much as five times faster than children that receive traditional instruction.
The key to the success of Piano Wizard Academy is simply that it makes it fun for children to learn to play the piano. They learn both to play music and to read music. Parents love it not only because their children do and are motivated to learn, but because they save thousands over the cost of traditional instruction. Visit their website today to learn more about the Piano Wizard Academy!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Archive for the ‘Big Check’ Category
A Million Dollars A Year For Life…A Dream Come True!
PCH Staff
12:16 am | 122 Comments » Hello PCH fans!
A few nights ago, I grabbed Chinese takeout for Scott and me. I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite parts of ordering Chinese is getting to the fortune cookie. Here’s what my fortune said:
I think this fortune was a little late! My dreams already DID come true almost five years ago when the Prize Patrol handed me a big check with my name on it! Winning a million dollars really changed my life. I was able to reduce the number of jobs I worked, we demolished our debt, and if you remember from one of my previous blogs, we finally built our dream home.
Well, very soon someone else’s dream may become a reality. How you ask? You know how! Publishers Clearing House has A Million Dollars A Year For LIFE up for grabs!
A Million. A Year. For Life.
The possibility of such a prize boggles the mind, doesn’t it? I thought I was overwhelmed when Dave turned around the check and showed me that I had won the $1Million SuperPrize. Just imagine what my reaction would have been had the words “A Year For Life” had appeared underneath my name!
The possibilities would have jumped by leaps and bounds! Let’s see… maybe we’d have our current home and another vacation home. Maybe we’d travel to a new country twice a year. Maybe we’d start a charitable foundation to help traditional and non-traditional students with college costs.
But nevermind me. YOU have a chance to enter to win! The April 30th SuperPrize Event is just around the corner. So enter every single way you can, including on and PCHSearch&Win!
Get your daily entries in, then be sure to comment below and tell us what YOU would do if you won A Million Dollars A Year For Life? And don’t forget to ‘friend’ me on Facebook at “Natalie Bostleman” and/or ‘follow’ me on Twitter @NatalieatPCH.
May YOUR dreams come true!
Natalie Bostelman
2008 SuperPrize Winner
PCH Goodwill Ambassador
12:16 am | 122 Comments » Hello PCH fans!
A few nights ago, I grabbed Chinese takeout for Scott and me. I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite parts of ordering Chinese is getting to the fortune cookie. Here’s what my fortune said:
I think this fortune was a little late! My dreams already DID come true almost five years ago when the Prize Patrol handed me a big check with my name on it! Winning a million dollars really changed my life. I was able to reduce the number of jobs I worked, we demolished our debt, and if you remember from one of my previous blogs, we finally built our dream home.
Well, very soon someone else’s dream may become a reality. How you ask? You know how! Publishers Clearing House has A Million Dollars A Year For LIFE up for grabs!
A Million. A Year. For Life.
The possibility of such a prize boggles the mind, doesn’t it? I thought I was overwhelmed when Dave turned around the check and showed me that I had won the $1Million SuperPrize. Just imagine what my reaction would have been had the words “A Year For Life” had appeared underneath my name!
The possibilities would have jumped by leaps and bounds! Let’s see… maybe we’d have our current home and another vacation home. Maybe we’d travel to a new country twice a year. Maybe we’d start a charitable foundation to help traditional and non-traditional students with college costs.
But nevermind me. YOU have a chance to enter to win! The April 30th SuperPrize Event is just around the corner. So enter every single way you can, including on and PCHSearch&Win!
Get your daily entries in, then be sure to comment below and tell us what YOU would do if you won A Million Dollars A Year For Life? And don’t forget to ‘friend’ me on Facebook at “Natalie Bostleman” and/or ‘follow’ me on Twitter @NatalieatPCH.
May YOUR dreams come true!
Natalie Bostelman
2008 SuperPrize Winner
PCH Goodwill Ambassador
Big Check From PCH Stuns Nevada Man — And His Bank
PCH Staff
12:22 am | 28 Comments » March 26, 2013 is a day that Greg Garcia of Sparks, Nevada will never forget. He was resting up for his late-shift job while his girlfriend Sarah, her mother Rhoda and the TV kept him company in his cozy apartment. All of a sudden there was an unexpected knock on the door – which he opened to find (ta-dah!!) the Prize Patrol from Publishers Clearing House! While Greg could only smile in amazement, screams of “Greg! Greg! I don’t believe this!” gushed forth from those inside.
We presented Greg with roses, balloons AND a Big Check – for $15,000.00! Like most winners, he was almost speechless, but did manage a few “Wows” and “Thanks!”
Then it was time for me to hand over the real check — which was only a fraction of the Big Check’s physical size although the dollar amount was the same. Alas, there was a small problem: there was a typographical error on the real check’s “Payable to …” line. Would the bank cash it? Or would PCH Headquarters have to issue a new check – thereby delaying Greg’s ability to rejoice with crisp new bills in his pocket? There was only one way to find out.
Off Greg went to his local bank – with the Big Check, the real check, the Prize Patrol and official paperwork in hand to show that this prize award was real. The bank employees and the manager were excited to see us and had to admit they had never seen anything like this before. Sure they had seen PCH “winning moments” on TV. But a winner bringing a Big [cardboard] Check from PCH to their bank? That was a first – and an amazing one at that. Like so many folks we’ve met before, they weren’t sure that those Prize Patrol awards they’d seen on TV were 100% authentic. Well, now they know: they are. And, happily for Greg, the manager approved the real check for immediate processing, so the celebration could begin.
The Big Check is the ceremonial centerpiece of our prize presentations, and most wind up framed on our winners’ walls. But, of course, it’s the real checks worth thousands, even millions of dollars that make the real difference, that turn an average humdrum working day into a day never to be forgotten.
How would you like to march into a bank, bypass the ATM and stand before a teller with a Big Check and a real check and announce “Look what happened to me! Look what I just won from Publishers Clearing House!” If this sounds like something you’d love to experience, I urge you to enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes at today and every day. If it happened for Greg it can happen for you.
Wishing you the best of luck.

Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador
12:22 am | 28 Comments » March 26, 2013 is a day that Greg Garcia of Sparks, Nevada will never forget. He was resting up for his late-shift job while his girlfriend Sarah, her mother Rhoda and the TV kept him company in his cozy apartment. All of a sudden there was an unexpected knock on the door – which he opened to find (ta-dah!!) the Prize Patrol from Publishers Clearing House! While Greg could only smile in amazement, screams of “Greg! Greg! I don’t believe this!” gushed forth from those inside.
We presented Greg with roses, balloons AND a Big Check – for $15,000.00! Like most winners, he was almost speechless, but did manage a few “Wows” and “Thanks!”
Then it was time for me to hand over the real check — which was only a fraction of the Big Check’s physical size although the dollar amount was the same. Alas, there was a small problem: there was a typographical error on the real check’s “Payable to …” line. Would the bank cash it? Or would PCH Headquarters have to issue a new check – thereby delaying Greg’s ability to rejoice with crisp new bills in his pocket? There was only one way to find out.
Off Greg went to his local bank – with the Big Check, the real check, the Prize Patrol and official paperwork in hand to show that this prize award was real. The bank employees and the manager were excited to see us and had to admit they had never seen anything like this before. Sure they had seen PCH “winning moments” on TV. But a winner bringing a Big [cardboard] Check from PCH to their bank? That was a first – and an amazing one at that. Like so many folks we’ve met before, they weren’t sure that those Prize Patrol awards they’d seen on TV were 100% authentic. Well, now they know: they are. And, happily for Greg, the manager approved the real check for immediate processing, so the celebration could begin.
The Big Check is the ceremonial centerpiece of our prize presentations, and most wind up framed on our winners’ walls. But, of course, it’s the real checks worth thousands, even millions of dollars that make the real difference, that turn an average humdrum working day into a day never to be forgotten.
How would you like to march into a bank, bypass the ATM and stand before a teller with a Big Check and a real check and announce “Look what happened to me! Look what I just won from Publishers Clearing House!” If this sounds like something you’d love to experience, I urge you to enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes at today and every day. If it happened for Greg it can happen for you.
Wishing you the best of luck.
Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador
What Would You Do With $1 Million Every Year For Life?
PCH Staff
12:21 am | 353 Comments » The Prize Patrol is prepared to award a lucky winner with a life-changing $1 Million Every Year for Life SuperPrize this April 30th!
That’s right! Someone will definitely win a life-changing fortune in just weeks! If you haven’t entered yet be sure to do so NOW! It’s so easy! Simply go to and your chance to become a Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes Millionaire is just a few clicks away!
Who knows? That April 30th winner could turn out to be YOU! How exciting is that?
Imagine if you really did win $1 Million Every Year for life. What would you do? Would you… Go on your dream vacation EVERY YEAR? Would you drive around in a brand spankin’ new car, EVERY YEAR? Attend the most exclusive events, EVERY YEAR? Pass money down to your kids, EVERY YEAR? The opportunities are endless!
Jeez. Come to think of it, I can’t even begin to think what I’d do with all that money. So check this out…
I decided to take a walk around PCH Headquarters and see if my fellow co-workers would help me out. Let’s find out what they would do if they had $1 Million coming to them each and every year for the rest of their life.
Here’s what they said…
Wow…donate to charity, build their own house (out of cash!), take a vacation for LIFE…those are some really great answers.
Be sure to go to NOW and enter for your chance to win BIG, before it’s too late! The April 22nd (11:59 PM, ET) deadline is just a few weeks away.
Good Luck to YOU!
Matt S.
PCH Creative
P.S. Tell us what YOU would do with all that money coming to YOU! Comment below and let us know!
12:21 am | 353 Comments » The Prize Patrol is prepared to award a lucky winner with a life-changing $1 Million Every Year for Life SuperPrize this April 30th!
That’s right! Someone will definitely win a life-changing fortune in just weeks! If you haven’t entered yet be sure to do so NOW! It’s so easy! Simply go to and your chance to become a Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes Millionaire is just a few clicks away!
Who knows? That April 30th winner could turn out to be YOU! How exciting is that?
Imagine if you really did win $1 Million Every Year for life. What would you do? Would you… Go on your dream vacation EVERY YEAR? Would you drive around in a brand spankin’ new car, EVERY YEAR? Attend the most exclusive events, EVERY YEAR? Pass money down to your kids, EVERY YEAR? The opportunities are endless!
Jeez. Come to think of it, I can’t even begin to think what I’d do with all that money. So check this out…
I decided to take a walk around PCH Headquarters and see if my fellow co-workers would help me out. Let’s find out what they would do if they had $1 Million coming to them each and every year for the rest of their life.
Here’s what they said…
Wow…donate to charity, build their own house (out of cash!), take a vacation for LIFE…those are some really great answers.
Be sure to go to NOW and enter for your chance to win BIG, before it’s too late! The April 22nd (11:59 PM, ET) deadline is just a few weeks away.
Good Luck to YOU!
Matt S.
PCH Creative
P.S. Tell us what YOU would do with all that money coming to YOU! Comment below and let us know!
PCH Big Check Winning Moment — What A Way To Start The Day!
Dave Sayer
12:08 am | 35 Comments »

On Friday, March 1, Eric Schroeder was in his truck ready to leave his Houston, TX home for work when some activity on the street gave him pause. “Hmmm,” he thought. “Maybe I’d better wait a minute and see what’s happening here.”
The reason for his hesitation? Well, it was about 8:00 in the morning – not a time when you’d expect to see a van pull up with balloons, roses and – what’s that big piece of cardboard?
Eric didn’t have to wait for more than a few seconds to realize what was happening. A blue-blazered team recognizable as the PCH Prize Patrol approached him with a Big Check and promptly announced “Eric, you’re a winner in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!”
A stunned Eric didn’t want to be late for work — employed as he was by a plumbing contractor whose watchword is “guaranteed punctuality.” Still he was almost paralyzed in shock and needed to be coaxed out of his truck by the Prize Patrol – including Danielle Lam, cameraman Jay and yours truly, Dave Sayer. On the ground but floating on air, Eric broke into giant smiles and with shaking hands accepted his Big Check for $10,000.00. “I cannot believe this!” he repeated over and over. “I’m just floored … floored.” Now that’s a good way to start the day, don’t you think?
You can take a look at the exciting winning moment here:
Two phone calls were top priority for Eric: one to his wife – already at her job — to share the good news (she couldn’t believe it either!), and another to company headquarters to say he’d be on his way to work as soon as he caught his breath.
Eric is a great guy, and we are proud to have him join our huge and ever-growing family of Publishers Clearing House winners.
How would YOU like to join our family of winners? Eric didn’t think it would happen to him, but it did – just like it can happen for you. Of course, “to win it you’ve got to be in it.” But that’s easy. You can enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes today and every day at And while a $10,000.00 prize like Eric’s is mighty nice, you could win even more – like $1,000,000.00 or even $1,000,000.00 a year for life!
So don’t delay. Enter today — and every day — and maybe you’ll start your day with a Big Check surprise!

Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador
12:08 am | 35 Comments »
On Friday, March 1, Eric Schroeder was in his truck ready to leave his Houston, TX home for work when some activity on the street gave him pause. “Hmmm,” he thought. “Maybe I’d better wait a minute and see what’s happening here.”
Eric didn’t have to wait for more than a few seconds to realize what was happening. A blue-blazered team recognizable as the PCH Prize Patrol approached him with a Big Check and promptly announced “Eric, you’re a winner in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!”
A stunned Eric didn’t want to be late for work — employed as he was by a plumbing contractor whose watchword is “guaranteed punctuality.” Still he was almost paralyzed in shock and needed to be coaxed out of his truck by the Prize Patrol – including Danielle Lam, cameraman Jay and yours truly, Dave Sayer. On the ground but floating on air, Eric broke into giant smiles and with shaking hands accepted his Big Check for $10,000.00. “I cannot believe this!” he repeated over and over. “I’m just floored … floored.” Now that’s a good way to start the day, don’t you think?
You can take a look at the exciting winning moment here:
Two phone calls were top priority for Eric: one to his wife – already at her job — to share the good news (she couldn’t believe it either!), and another to company headquarters to say he’d be on his way to work as soon as he caught his breath.
Eric is a great guy, and we are proud to have him join our huge and ever-growing family of Publishers Clearing House winners.
How would YOU like to join our family of winners? Eric didn’t think it would happen to him, but it did – just like it can happen for you. Of course, “to win it you’ve got to be in it.” But that’s easy. You can enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes today and every day at And while a $10,000.00 prize like Eric’s is mighty nice, you could win even more – like $1,000,000.00 or even $1,000,000.00 a year for life!
So don’t delay. Enter today — and every day — and maybe you’ll start your day with a Big Check surprise!
Dave Sayer
Prize Patrol Ambassador
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