Essential Oils are extracted from herbs, plants and flowers through a process called steam distillation. The oils are called 'essential', because they contain the essence of the scent from the natural plant, flower or herb from which it is extracted. The oils are made with a still, that can vary in size and hold several gallons of oils at one time. Some people are even having essential oil parties and they are growing in popularity. For those seeking natural cures this is the best way to do it.
Many years ago, essential oils were used by my mother to clean wounds, when my brother and I would scrape our knees or get cuts on other parts of our bodies, while playing basketball or kickball outside. The healing powers within the oils, would help in protecting our skin, while not stinging and without any after side effects. I can also remember when my friend had a bad case of eczema, when she began using essential oils for help. The oils brought the bacteria to the surface naturally, while helping to heal the skin, from beneath the pores in the skin. Her skin looked healthy and fresh and she didn't have to use the skin cleansers, that contain chemicals and/or additives, that are actually harmful and harsh on the skin, when used over a long period of time. She tried acne cleanser after cleanser, but none of them worked. But because the essential oils were organic, they worked quickly and effectively. Of course you will have to decide which herb, plant or flower, can be used for your particular need.
What Is Essential Oils Used For ?
Essential oils can be used to flavor foods, for skin treatments, for treatment of diseases like cancer, in perfumes, soaps and for even helping with curing yeast infections, just to name a few. While steam distillation is the main way for extracting essential oils, two other ways for extraction are expression and solvent extraction. The expression process does not use heat and is taken from the skins of many fruits. It is called the cold process and does not use solvents. The solvent extraction uses an extraction process that takes from fats and oils.
Essential oils have grown in popularity, over the years, due to the fact of the fast healing powers within the oils. From tea tree oil, coconut oil, lavender and other well known oils, families are beginning to understand the success of having these oils, within the household. Also, because of the natural aspect of the oils, that do not use toxins, there are many pregnant women, who find the oils healthier for them and their growing baby in the womb. This increase in popularity, comes as people are factoring the costs of producing essential oils, versus buying chemically implanted cleansers and treatments, along with seeing the numerous varied ailments that can be treated, when using just one of these essential oils. Also, people are understanding that these historical essential oil remedies, can be traced back as the source of modern medicine.
What Is The Scientific Evidence of Essential Oils ?
As studies are done around the world, including in countries like the United States, Europe, Japan and Australia, these studies are used by the food, cosmetics, flavoring and tobacco industries and are showing positive results. These studies are proving that the use of these essential oils are productive, in these areas to the overall buying public. However, one discrepancy in the use of essential oils is that the oils have not been generally authorized and trade marked by agencies that bring products into the main stream market. Also, because this trademark is not on these essential oils, funding is an issue for getting the oils mass manufactured, to be used within everyday life products.
Topical Use of Essential Oils
As we look at the different oils and what they do, think about your household and how beneficial these oils can be to you and your family. Lavender is one essential oil that helps with many ailments. It can be used to soothe and heal the skin when placed in a bath. It can also help the skin stay nourished. Lavender also helps with diaper rash. It is also best, along with eucalyptus, after a burn or injury to help prevent scarring. Lavender is also great for itching of the skin, stretch marks, wrinkles and sunburn. If you have eczema, then use thyme and helichrysum, geranium, lavender and tea tree. Use oregano for callouses on your feet and myrrh for chapped and cracked feet. And for corns, use clove, peppermint and grapefruit for best results. Lemon is a great oil for energizing your skin. For fungal infections try tea tree oil and oregano. And Myrrh and Sandalwood are great for facials, to help bring that natural glow back to your skin.
Eczema/Psoriasis is one ailment that can be treated with essential oils. Use a home made eczema cream to rub onto the skin daily to help alleviate eczema. Acne can also be treated by using the essential oil in both oil and cream form. Use lavender essential oil to help make your skin healthier and heal acne. Rub onto the skin directly onto the acne, at least one time per day for healing and treatment. For wounds and cuts, use the oils as a compress to be placed directly on the cut or wound to begin the healing process within the skin. When using the oils, for safety purposes, make sure that you have the oils done by a professional and someone who has years of experience in processing essential oils.
How To Use Essential Oils Safely ?
Remember when using essential oils, to take a skin patch test, meaning to place a small amount away from the area to make sure that you are not allergic. Also, keep in mind that you try the oils on yourself, before trying them on small children or babies. Keep in mind that these were done from extreme temperatures, so make sure that the person you buy the oils from, to do research and ask question to make sure that you are getting the essential oils from a qualified person. When making homemade creams, make sure that you follow instructions, without adding anything that you think you may know. Don't try to make essential oils or hand made creams on your own, especially if you have little to no experience in doing so.