Thursday, May 2, 2013

About Real Estate Commission Rates

Did you know real estate rates can be negotiated? Two out of three sellers hire the first agent they contact and end up missing huge savings because they do not negotiate the commission rate.


 How rates work

The average commission rate (depending on the area you live in) is 6% to 7% gross sales on the property. However, because of a recent proliferation of discount and the Flat Fee MLS by owner, (this gives the seller the edge in real estate competition), firms have lowered commission rates to just above 5%. This number may not seem like a lot compared to your homes value, it actually represents a large portion of your home’s equity. (Equity is the amount of money the seller gets to keep after all expenses are paid). To properly negotiate the commission rate of what your home should be, determine what the value of your house is so that you can make a fair negotiation.

 What to consider before negotiating

1)    Do you have other properties to sell?

§  If so, you may be able to negotiate for a volume discount!

2)    Is your home in good condition to make a quick sale?

§  The longer your house is for sale, the more money your agent spends on marketing it.

3)    Are you in a buyer’s or seller’s market?

§  In a seller’s market, houses tend to sell faster and for more money.

4)    Does your agent have a buyer ready to purchase?

§  Your agent makes twice as much if they list and sell your house without a second agent involved.

5)    Does the broker have a variable commission rate?

§  You will pay a lower commission rate without a second agent involved!

6)    Are you able to offer a loan to the buyer?

§  When selling your home, offering a loan will make your property more attractive to buyers, therefore it will make it easier to sell.

7)    Are you willing to do some of the marketing and selling of your home yourself?

§  If you are, consider the Flat Fee option. Fees are determined on where you live, VT real estate commission rates are low depending on what broker and agent you use. A package could be $350!

 Other options to consider

 If you cannot find an agent that will settle with a reduced commission rate, consider a flat fee company. Flat Fee companies are there to offer the seller services on an “a la carte basis”. This allows you to choose the services YOU want to use, instead of the traditional route and bundling all the service together. It is based on a fixed price instead of the percentage. Keep in mind that this Flat Fee is paid when everyone agrees on the listing.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Obama’s case against war in Syria


President Barack Obama during his new conference April 30. (Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP)Under what circumstances would President Barack Obama unleash U.S. military might into Syria’s civil war?
Obama and senior aides set a high bar even higher in recent days. The same president who widened America’s drone war, ordered the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan and led NATO into the conflict in Libya without congressional authorization isn’t likely to go to war against strongman Bashar Assad anytime soon.
Sure, recent media reports have described the Obama administration as almost-but-not-quite-there on sending deadly weaponry to rebels fighting to oust Assad. Obama has said the Syrian leader's use of chemical weapons in the conflict would be a "game changer," and White House officials have said the likelihood of providing U.S. aid to the opposition has been “on an upward trajectory.”
But virtually the same news stories could be found in December 2012. And the president has been warning that “the window is closing” on Assad—one way or another—since at least March 2012.
Obama himself redrew his "red line" for action in a White House press conference on Tuesday.
He had previously said proof that Assad's forces had used chemical weapons against the rebels would be a "game changer" that might lead him to consider the use of force. On Tuesday, he changed that standard, saying: "If I can establish in a way that not only the United States but also the international community feel confident is the use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime, then that is a game changer."
Would that mean U.S. military action, a reporter asked. "I mean that we would have to rethink the range of options that are available to us," Obama replied.
Put differently: To reshuffle the deck, Obama would need to somehow convince skeptical Russian leaders—who've historically had close ties to Assad—to affirm that the Syrian strongman had used chemical weapons against opposition forces.
The questions persisted Wednesday. Would Obama arm the rebels, a reporter asked White House press secretary Jay Carney. "I’m not ruling that out, I’m just not ruling it in, either," Carney said. Not exactly a clarion call for action.
So what is the president thinking?

First, Obama has what supporters call a pragmatic (detractors might call it cold-blooded) assessment of core American interests in the conflict.
Current and former aides told Yahoo News that the president has been personally affected by the rising death toll in Syria, now estimated to run over 70,000. "The human cost is not lost on the president," former National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor told Yahoo. "He wants to do more and he wants to prevent an escalating humanitarian disaster."
But Obama's top national security concerns in the conflict with Syria, two administration officials confirmed privately, are ensuring Israel's security, preventing the Assad regime from handing its chemical weapons arsenal to terrorists, and safeguarding the stability of other allies like Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon. If Assad's forces—or events in Syria generally—posed a threat to those priorities, the president might order a unilateral military response, a senior administration official told Yahoo.
"Those are absolutely red lines," said Vietor.
The United States has provided aid to Turkey and Jordan to help manage the flow of refugees fleeing Syria. And Israel seems to be rejecting claims it is eager for U.S. military action in Syria.
A second thing holding Obama back is that American intervention might not achieve the goal of halting violence and toppling Assad, while trapping the U.S. in a protracted conflict. "There is the very real possibility that we could still have 70,000 or more Syrians dead, but now also have some number of American men and women alongside them, and still no resolution," a senior administration official told Yahoo.
Joint Chiefs Chairman Martin Dempsey, the nation's highest ranking uniformed officer, made a similar argument on Tuesday. Dempsey told reporters at a breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor that establishing a no-fly zone over Syria, as called for by Republican Sen. John McCain and others, won't be easy. And it might encourage Syria and its allies to strike at U.S. interests far from the regional battlefield. And it might pull the U.S. further into the conflict. And it might ... not work.
"Whether the military effect would produce the kind of outcome I think that not only members of Congress but all of us would desire—which is an end to the violence, some kind of political reconciliation among the parties and a stable Syria—that’s the reason I’ve been cautious, is the right word, about the application of the military instrument of power: Because it’s not clear to me that it would produce that outcome,” Dempsey said.
Aaron David Miller, a Middle East expert who has served under Democratic and Republican presidents, described Syria as a trap.
"Despite the moral, humanitarian and strategic arguments for intervention, Syria is a trap that threatens to suck external powers in and shackle them with responsibility for war-making, peacekeeping and a reconstruction effort that could eventually involve thousands of boots on the ground and billions of dollars in assistance," Miller wrote on CNN. "And it's been clear from the beginning that Obama has no intention of getting stuck with the check."
Or, in Vietor's more pithy formulation: "The risk of dipping your toe in the water and being yanked under is enormous."
Third problem: The international community is more divided on Syria than it was on Libya. Obama has sent Secretary of State John Kerry to Russia, but officials don't expect a major breakthrough. Obama's style has been to act with allies when possible (Libya) and alone when necessary (bin Laden). But aides point to shrinking military resources, a possible looming conflict with Iran over its nuclear program and potential regional repercussions as reasons to act only if other world powers agree.
Close allies Britain and France have pressed Obama to arm the rebels, as have Gulf states. But American and Israeli concerns that deadly weapons might find their way into the hands of extremists—possibly even al-Qaida-affiliated fighters—have held back that approach.
Dempsey told the Senate Armed Services Committee last month that, when it comes to telling moderate rebel military groups apart from radicals, it’s “actually more confusing on the opposition side today than it was six months ago.”
Carney concurred. "The general's comments are certainly correct, that this is one of the reasons why we need to make very careful evaluations about the opposition," the spokesman said Wednesday.
Fourth, Obama aides frequently mention the lessons of the Iraq war, from the flawed case for the March 2003 invasion to the challenges of the occupation.
Obama, whose opposition to that war was one of the central tenets of his 2008 presidential campaign, doesn't want to repeat what he sees as his predecessor's errors. Aides worry about nailing down the intelligence. They point to sectarian violence that still tears at the fabric of Iraq. And they say the war highlighted the need to build more effective international coalitions."
The question the president may be forced to address, soon, is whether those concerns can withstand the certain tide of outrage if it turns out that Assad's forces truly did use chemical weapons—weapons of mass destruction—against the opposition.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Op-Ed: Premier Christy Clark, the goalie and the red light


By Marcus Hondro
Apr 28, 2013 - 57 mins ago in Politics
By Marcus Hondro.
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Vancouver - A 4,000 plus word feature on B.C. Premier Christy Clark, her son and bid to keep her job was published by the Vancouver Sun Saturday. It was written by Jonathan Fowlie and it's a good read if you've the time to absorb the entire thing.
The section that's garnered the controversy in Fowlie's account of Clark is where the premier runs a red light. It's done at the urging of her son, Hamish, whom she is driving to his goalie camp session at an ungodly early time (been there, done that with my goalie). It reads as an odd moment and behind it all there's a note of her being calculated, considering the presence of Fowlie in the car - how could she not consider the news reporter in the car? - and going with that which is most likely to translate into votes.
Her wheels were turning as much as those of the car, she was looking for an angle. Like "how should I handle this? Do what Hamish wants? But he'll write about it. Will it look cool to the public? It's 5:15 in the a.m., no cars! Yeah, it'll play as a maverick." The thing is, it doesn't play as a maverick, or whatever else she may have been looking for, that is unless she wanted it to play as calculated, that and mildly irresponsible. But here's the exert, you be the judge:
At times, [Clark and Hamish] seem more like sidekicks — siblings even — than they do mother and son. And especially so the morning when the two were on their way to Hamish’s goalie clinic.
“Let’s see you go through this red light,” Hamish challenged as they pulled up that morning, at 5:15 a.m., to an abandoned Vancouver intersection.
“I might. Don’t test me,” Clark replies.
“Yeah. Go ahead.”
“Should I?”
“There’s no one.”
“Would you go through? You shouldn’t because that would be breaking the law,” she says.
And with that the car has already sailed underneath the stale red stoplight and through the empty intersection.
“You always do that,” says Hamish.
Clark was asked about the moment on the campaign trail Saturday but deftly deflected the question and got on to what she wanted to talk about. Whether she'll be pinned down to comment fully on it in the days ahead is anybody's guess. Something notable about the incident was her chutzpah. She's doing it, going for it. Playing safe would have been "no, no, it's against the law, we'll wait a few seconds for the green light." She's brazenly calculating, let's put it that way.
It reminds me of one of the commercials the Liberals have out. She sits at a table with others, delivering no substance - even where she criticizes the NDP's lack of substance, despite their producing volumes of policy, she delivers no substance - as she talks about how we want our children to stay in British Columbia. No one around her seems engaged but she flies on.
There's a young female next to her who seems uncomfortable, perhaps with the camera, but Clark barrels on, either ignoring or not sensing the girl's energy, talking about how parents love their kids and want them to stay in B.C. In saying that she displays a firm grasp of the obvious and it's a banal, trite moment, it's much ado about nothing. She'd have done better to consider the girl and react to her, maybe ask her a question about how she felt about jobs and keeping kids in B.C., respond to her answer.
But the wheels are turning, she's pitching, barreling through the red light looking for votes on the other side, delivering words she thinks people will want to hear. But I don't think they want platitudes and I think the lack of substance, the inability to look at what's around her and respond naturally to it, instead of caluculating the best response, instead of charging through, will cause voters to present her with something that, this time, she can't ignore.
A red light.

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

FAA says air travel system to be normal Sunday night


(Reuters) - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) said on Saturday it had suspended all employee furloughs and that it expects the U.S. air travel system to return to normal by Sunday evening Eastern Time.
The suspension follows passage on Friday of a bill allowing the agency to shift money within its budget to halt furloughs of air-traffic controllers that started April 21.
The furloughs, prompted by automatic budget cuts, caused thousands of flight delays and hundreds of cancellations throughout the week. The FAA said in a statement on Saturday that it expects staffing to return to normal levels over the next 24 hours.
Airports around the country were reporting that flights were arriving and departing on time at 1 p.m. EDT, with the exception of San Francisco, where arrivals were delayed 44 minutes on average because of construction, the FAA said.
Earlier on Saturday, President Barack Obama chided Republicans in his weekly radio address for approving a plan to ease air-traffic delays while leaving untouched budget cuts that affect children and the elderly.
Congressman Bill Shuster, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and a Republican from Pennsylvania, said the FAA could have complied with the automatic budget cuts, known as sequester, in a way that avoided inconveniencing travelers.
(Reporting by Alwyn Scott; Editing by Sandra Maler)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Landing gear from 9/11 plane found wedged between N.Y. buildings


By Marcus Hondro
Apr 26, 2013 - 17 mins ago in Odd News
By Marcus Hondro.
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A piece of landing gear from a plane that hit the World Trade Center September 11, 2001 was found Friday by surveyors. For over 11 years it sat perfectly wedged between two buildings, passersby none the wiser that American history was tucked nearby.
It's not known from which of the two planes that hit the Twin Towers, the American Airlines plane or United Airlines plane, the landing gear part comes from. New York police spokesperson Paul Browne said there is a Boeing identification number on the piece. It was found in an extremely narrow alley, about 18 inches wide, between the back of a luxury apartment building and the building at 51 Park Place, the future site of a mosque.
Debris from 9/11 still found
It is not the first time debris has been found in the area since the clean-up was officially over but this may be the biggest piece of a plane found since. Police said they will look in the alley around the debris to see what else might be found.
The piece of the plane, about 5 feet by 4 feet and 17 inches high, has not been removed because it is in a very tight spot and police are not yet sure how it will be removed. There's no word as yet on where it will be taken once it is removed. “The odds of this being wedged between there is amazing,” Browne said. “It had to have fallen just the right way to make it into that space.”
The building at 51 Park Place has a Muslim prayer space in it and is undergoing renovations to become a mosque. There were protesters that did not want a mosque so close to the place where Islamic extremists had done so much damage. Nearly 3,000 were killed when Islamic terrorists hijacked the two planes and steered them into the two World Trade Center buildings.
One World Trade Center
The debris was found three blocks from the site of the former Twin Towers. Construction continues there on One World Trade Center, a 104-story building that will be the tallest building in the Western hemisphere. The 16-acre site will see a total of eight buildings, including the National September 11 Memorial and Museum and a Performing Arts Center.
Most buildings have a planned completion date either later this year or in 2014.

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Obama says Planned Parenthood is ‘not going anywhere’

President Barack Obama on Friday defended Planned Parenthood, the largest source of reproductive health care which also provides abortions, against its opponents and warned critics that the organization remains steadfast.
"Planned Parenthood is not going anywhere," Obama said at the organization's annual national conference in Washington, D.C. "It’s not going anywhere today. It’s not going anywhere tomorrow."
The organization has long been a target of abortion opponents, who in recent years have fought to cut off federal funding to the organization even though that funding by law cannot be spent on abortions, which make up an estimated 3 percent of the organization's budget.
The president on Friday lauded the organization's work “providing quality healthcare to women all across America." "We are truly grateful to you.”
He noted that 1 in 5 women in America have sought services from Planned Parenthood, which is the primary source for health care for many women. When politicians attempt to turn Planned Parenthood into "a punching bag," Obama said, they are shutting out women who need health care and communities who may need health care services the most.
Obama used his appearance to champion his health care law, which he said promotes many of the same principles as Planned Parenthood. Obama said his law supports health care for women including by allowing young women to be covered by their parents' health care insurance plans and preventing women with pre-existing conditions from being denied coverage.
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus recently targeted the organization with a scathing op-ed for conservative news site Red State accusing Planned Parenthood and Democrats of supporting infanticide. Priebus wrote that testimony from a Planned Parenthood lobbyist in Florida indicated the organization supports the killing of infants.
Planned Parenthood later released a statement on the lobbyist's testimony, saying, "As a trusted health care provider, Planned Parenthood strongly condemns any physician who does not follow the law or endangers a woman's or child's health. And while HB 1129 addresses a situation that is extremely unlikely and highly unusual, if the scenario presented by the legislation should happen, of course a Planned Parenthood doctor would provide appropriate care to both the woman and the infant."
The president's appearance at the conference comes at a time when infanticide has been in the national news due to the murder trial of former abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell. Gosnell, of Philadelphia, is charged with murder in the death of a woman in 2009 during an abortion procedure and in the deaths of four babies.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Obama and predecessors mark opening of George W. Bush library

DALLAS—President Barack Obama praised his predecessor George W. Bush as a “good man” who should be commended for his resolve in trying to keep the country safe after the 9/11 attacks, and for his foresight in leading the fight for immigration reform.
Obama’s remarks came as he and the other four living presidents along with dozens of state, federal and foreign dignitaries gathered here to mark the opening of the George W. Bush Presidential Library on the campus of Southern Methodist University.
Obama, who has been a fierce critic of Bush’s handling of the country, and his colleagues followed the tradition of past presidential library ceremonies by putting political differences aside. Obama praised what he called Bush’s “compassion,” “generosity” and “personality,” and said, “To know the man is to like the man.”
Remarking on the rare gathering of all five presidents, Obama spoke of the “exclusive club” that he shares with Bush as well as Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter—who were also in attendance. But, he said, “it’s more like a support group.”
He recalled finding a letter in his desk from George W. Bush upon arriving in the Oval Office in 2009 offering his successor advice.
“He knew I would come to learn what he had learned,” Obama said. “Being president above all is a humbling job. There are moments when you make mistakes. There are times when you wish you could turn back the clock.”
But, Obama noted, “We love this country and we do our best.”
Obama’s remarks came after former Clinton and Carter offered similar praise of Bush. Among other things, they touted Bush’s efforts to stop the spread of AIDS in Africa.
But Clinton’s remarks seemed more like a roast of his successor, as he spoke warmly of Bush and talked about how close he had gotten to the Bush family after he defeated George H.W. Bush. He joked of being “the black sheep son” and said his mother had told him not to speak too long at the event, turning to acknowledge former first lady Barbara Bush, who giggled in response.
He also praised George W. Bush’s recently discovered artistic skills as a painter, saying Barbara Bush had shared portraits her son had painted of animals. “I thought they were great,” Clinton said, adding that he had considered asking Bush to paint his portrait.
Clinton said he had hesitated, however, after seeing Bush’s self-portraits in the bathroom. “At my age, I think I should keep my suit,” Clinton said, as Bush laughed wildly.
A bittersweet moment came when George H.W. Bush briefly addressed the crowd, thanking them for coming. The elder Bush was hospitalized in December, and the family worried he might not make it to see his son unveil his presidential library.
From the podium later, George W. Bush praised his father for “teaching him how to be a president, but first teaching him how to be a man,” and said it was the first time in history that father-and-son presidents had attended the opening of each other’s libraries.
Addressing the crowd of more than 8,000 supporters and former staffers, Bush repeatedly became emotional as he thanked those who had turned out to mark the library’s opening. At one point he joked, “There was a time in my life when I wasn’t likely to be found in a library, much less founding one.”
In praising his ex-staffers, Bush said, “History is going to show I served with great people.” He then gave a shout-out to former Vice President Dick Cheney, who is barely mentioned in the library’s exhibits, telling him, “I’m proud to call you a friend.”
In brief remarks, Bush recalled the goals that led him while in office.
“In democracy, the purpose of public office is not to fulfill personal ambition,” he said, echoing a line that he’s used throughout his career. “Elected officials must serve a cause greater than themselves. The political winds blow left and right, polls rise and fall, supporters come and go. But in the end, leaders are defined by the convictions they held.”
At the end of his speech, Bush audibly choked up. With tears in his eyes, he returned to this seat, where he smiled and threw three fingers in the air in the shape of a ”W.”